Meet Your Instructor

Hi y'all,

I am so excited to have you here and be able to dive into this together. First, let me introduce myself! I am a emotive family photographer from the PNW. I am originally from El Paso, Texas and I am fluent in both English and Spanish. I began in 2018 and like many of you , my kids were motivation. I remember the day I got my camera and all I did was capture my little with my husband and I became infatuated with capturing the raw moments. Like many of you, I began my business and as time went on, I took less and less of my family but even more so what my heart desired. I am a firm believer of being able to to find compromise in both our personal work and our client work but sometimes we need to ignite our passion once again for why we fell in love with photography. So again, I am excited to dive in this journey together for the next four weeks, let go of old habits and be present once again.

Lets Go Back to the Basic

Do you remember the reason why you began photography? The moment that you realized you needed that camera in your hand to capture the unseen? Then you realized you could do this for a living, but you had no clue the rollercoaster of emotions it would bring. From self doubt, jumping into the rabbit whole of comparison and feeling simply lost and uninspired. I know I get it! I've been there too many times myself. So if this has been you, this workshop is dedicated to you. It will be a time to refocus and go back to the roots of why you began and fall in love with YOUR art. 

During this four week workshop we will be focusing on the unseen from within and channeling our why and pouring from a full cup.We will be going back to the basics of why we began transforming and pouring our passion into creating and once again, let go and allow our minds to wonder.


Photography has evolved in so many ways, from dark rooms to digital but not only that, the way that we capture. During our career we as an artist evolve in so many ways. There is so many paths you can take, and we often choose the shiny one because we believe that’s the path that will set our worth. Social media has a great influence on our choices as an artist. Even more so because of the likes, follows and attention an image gets so what do we do? We try to do the same and try to add our own voice and individuality.  We get more and more bookings which is not wrong at all, we pride ourselves to say “I am in an editing cave for days” as something to be proud of because that means we are thriving. But are we really? The burn out comes like an unexpected wave which is quite common for every artist. I have learned that this profession can be quite lonely and the Hussle mentality adds on to the isolation.

 As we sit there with an image in front, we are most focused in tearing it apart with what is wrong with it rather than simply enjoying what is there before us. We are focused in creating a feeling rather than enhancing it, we have made a switch to make something up than what there really is. People rather look perfect than to show their true self. That is what made the film days so captivating, it was real. 

So, what now? It’s time to learn to let go, to embrace the beauty of chaos and imperfectness, and by slowing down we will learn to be present but more so for ourselves and the things that truly matter in our lives.

Week 1:

Week 1: Our Why

First week we will be focusing on our why and our journey. We will be diving in to the basics: the reason why we started. We will dive into the various journaling topics that will prep the soil (our minds and heart) in order to move past those barriers we have built.

+ Group Zoom Call

Week 2: Looking Outside the Box

The second week we will be utilizing our camera in the most unconventional times and places. You will be given specific homework that will make you step outside your comfort zone. We will be learning to let go and simply go and look for the unseen. 

+ Group Zoom Call

Week 3:Bringing in the Magic

Our third week, we will focus on letting go of rules and leading with our mind. Also adding different tools and gadgets to enhance the magic of our images 

+ Group Zoom Call

Week 4: Sealing it with a Kiss

the fourth week we will be diving into editing without parameters. Finding your own voice to your art that makes it unique to you! 

+ Group Zoom Call

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